Camera Work

 Camera Shots

ES: Towards the end of scene at 3:41 there is a establishing shot which shows the phone signal being sent from underground into space, the fact that an es is used emphasises the sheer scale of the surroundings and how far the signal has travelled.

MCU: Right at the beginning of the scene at 0:01 there is a medium close-up shot of an old woman holding her passport up beside her which instantly shows the audience the importance of her character and because she if the first thing the audience sees it could suggest that her character has some authority over the other characters.

OTS: In the middle of the scene at 2:16 there is an over the shoulder shot of the old woman talking to the other characters on her computer. This could show she is superior and controls the other characters in the scene, the fact that she is surrounded by multiple monitors which stresses again how important her job is.

Camera Angles

Low angle: The low angle at 3:18 can show that the outcome of what happens next is no longer in their control and is now up to the doctor and it can highlight the power that the doctor has compared to all the other characters 


Setting: The fact that the characters at 2:12 are in a more high tech setting than the other characters who are in their homes suggests that those characters are more significant than the other characters and that they play a more important role in the plot or have a higher position in job they have 
